is in the fast growing Last Mile Delivery Business and is ready to help you get your Goods moved!


Last Mile Delivery is a huge business now and will become much more so because consumers want the convenience of buying by computer and expect immediate fulfillment delivered to their homes. Brick and mortar is declining and last mile delivery is growing!

GoodSpeed Logistics started in this business by doing thorough research.

Meetings were held with companies involved in warehousing for the last mile delivery business and understanding their needs; then meeting with delivery services involved in the business and understanding the levels of service from white glove to porch drops and how to do it successfully; then meeting with and developing the equipment required for deliveries; and finally putting it all together in a company: Fast Mile Delivery LLC.

Now GoodSpeed is ready to share this knowledge by helping Shippers and Carriers grab a piece of the business. GoodSpeed is partnering with companies actively growing the business, whether in the warehousing piece or the last mile delivery piece.

GoodSpeed Last Mile completed the research and produced a program which has the following advantages to Customers and Retailers:

Customers get

Retailers get

What we deliver

GoodSpeed Logistics offers a complete Last Mile Management program to our Customers

GoodSpeed Logistics has four major Last Mile Services

Additional services are available such as

GoodSpeed Last Mile has strict standards for Driver and Helper vetting and for carrier selection and management which we will be happy to discuss and provide in detail

GoodSpeed Last Mile has technology for customized third party delivery which includes

Talk with us about your needs and we will custom design a program that works for you and gets you in this fast growing business

Click on the Talk With Us link or the Contact Us link and let’s get your Goods going for you!

Life, Liberty and Logistics

GoodSpeed Logistics Carrier Group wants to hire Military Veterans who have served our Country. Their sacrifice for the USA and their discipline and organizational skills are an asset to GoodSpeed and to our Shippers and Carriers. If you are a Veteran, we want to talk with you about working in our Carrier Group