Goodspeed is part of your transportation team whether major fleet, independent trucker, private fleet, backhaul opportunity. GoodSpeed has the Goods for you to move and make money!

GoodSpeed has been in the transportation business and appreciates the challenges and difficulties of moving loads on-time.

We understand what you, as our Carrier, will face and will never ask for more than we asked of ourselves.

That being said, we offer you access to our many Shipper / Customers who range from Fortune 500 companies to small businesses in many industries from food and beverage, packaging and paper and consumer and industrial good.

GoodSpeed will get the goods you want to move!

We match your expertise with our shipper availability so you make money and have return loads.

GoodSpeed gets the goods for you with an easy to understand loadboard system that is one contact and a partnership that is real, long lasting and committed to your success in a tough industry.

All of our Carrier Operations Management are Military Veterans!

We are Hiring Now.

Group is managed by a 20 Year Veteran and consists of Marines, Army, Navy and Air Force Carrier Managers.

Life, Liberty and Logistics

GoodSpeed Logistics Carrier Group is hiring Military Veterans who have served our Country. Their sacrifice for the USA and their discipline and organizational skills are an asset to GoodSpeed and to our Shippers and Carriers. If you are a Veteran, we want to talk with you about working in our Carrier Group.